Monday, July 8, 2013

Yellow: Serious Medical Condition...or Just Pee.

M: so
  are there like
  hospitals in walla walla?
me: um
 M: i just started this medication
  and the pharmicist was like DONT drink
 me: ....
M: yeah i might not start it til monday
 me: haha
 M: i bet its just precautionary
 me: what is it for???
 M: uhhh
  its kinda gross
 me: when they say "don't drink" what they really mean is, "you'll have way too much fun being fucked up if you drink"
 M: right?
  yeah so
 i got some itchy spots this week
  so the doctor tells me its a FUNGUS
  im like wtf, i shower like twice a day
 me: probably all the ball sweat
 M: haha
  no its not down there
 me: oh
M: its actually barely noticeable, just some redness on torso/shoulders
 me: are you sure that's not a rug burn?
 M: haha
  so i take this pill
  and its apparently bad for your liver
  so i think if i drank a shit ton, i could damage my liver or something
 so if i turn yellow, just take me to the hospital
 me: oh
  what if you're yellow because I've peed on you?
  do we still need tot take you to the hospital
M: uh no
  just keep peeing
 me: great, that was my plan
 M: cool

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