Monday, July 8, 2013

Blowjob Confessional

Sally: Erika is being a vodka sipping whore at the All Hands event...Betty, do you want to be a team captain? 
Sally: god that emoticon keeps crying
Erika: it would be great at crysterbating
Sally: what!?
4Erika: what?
you know, when you masturbate with your own tears.
Sally: oh jesus
Erika: no no, that would be CROSS-terbating
Sally: ooohhh
Erika: Jesus would be masturbating with a cross
Sally: haha or holy water?
Erika: oh yeah! Dip the cross in holy water
that's hot
Sally: wait... wouldn't he person burn
Sally: in slow agony... cause the holy water would be like all over their sins
Betty: woah
i just got off phone
Betty: give me a min to catch up on this horrible conversation
Erika: pain only adds to the enjoyment
Sally: you masochist!
Erika: I prefer masoCHRIST
Betty: in regards to your question
Betty: I am NOT playing vball at the event
Sally: what? come on, don’t be lame. Jesus you guys blow.
Erika: wait no one said anything about blowing jesus
if that's part of the itinerary, I'm totally in
Betty: can we just skip vball and take turns giving bj's in the bath house?
Erika: I think everyone would enjoy that a LOT more
Betty: i think it's a great idea. And tips are accepted
Erika: just the tip?
I'll accept some tip. In my mouth
Betty: some of the devs are virgins so that might be more comfortable for them
Erika: Ohhhh I have a great idea! Let's rent a confessional
Sally: but seriously...Betty! No hooking up in the bathhouse
Erika: I want to confess my sins
Sally: that would take too long
Erika: oh
Sally: you'd be in there for hours
Betty: i'm definitely taking kishore to the bath house
it's my one chance
Erika: If you want me to hold him down, I totally will
because I'm a good friend
Betty: that is the nicest thing you've ever said
I would love that
thank you

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